What Are Basic Vehicle Safety Standards?
The Australian Design Rules (ADRs) are the national standards for anti theft, vehicle safety, and emissions. These rules will usually be performance based and will cover issues such as lighting, noise, braking, exhaust emissions, structures, occupant protection, and various other miscellaneous items.
The development of these new rules will continue as part of the normal program of review and revision. The program will identify any implementation issues or changes in factors that affect the existing rules and the need to introduce new ones. ADRs are also subject to a full review every 10 years in order to make sure the rules are relevant, cost effective, and aren’t a barrier to importation of safer vehicle components and vehicles. Any new basic vehicle safety standards or significant changes that increase the stringency of current standards can be subject to a vote by the Transport and Infrastructure Council Ministers. After the vote, new rules may be added or amended.
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